Today's small trip happened on a whim - I needed a building permit for my garage, so after motoring to Campbellton to take care of that, I decided to head across the Restigouche River bridge to Quebec. Here I could get a couple of pics of community signs - which I like to collect.
Since it was such a sunny day and perfect riding temperature at 15°C (60°F), I continued up the Interprovincial Blvd. through Point-a-la-Croix (Cross Point) until I hit the Jct. at Hwy. 132. Here I turn east for no reason (the best way to enjoy a ride). This road has improved a lot over the years, and is a pleasure to drive on this perfect day.
After entering Pointe-a-la-Garde, I decide to leave the main road, and end up in a campsite that is obviously closed. It still has the summer feel to it (minus the people), and it sits beside the river with a nice view. After passing the fire pit, I end up at the far end of the site, and instead of back-tracking, I find a small trail back down to the main road.
Next community is Escuminac - which happens to be across the river from my place. I leave the main road again, and follow a small dirt road down to a few cottages by the river. The cottage owners are nowhere in sight, but Adirondack chairs are still placed at the edge of the bank overlooking the river - enticing strangers like myself. I decide to get off the bike and take a few pictures downriver toward the Bay of Chaleur.
Back on the bike, I continue on past the mountainous piles of logs at the sawmill, and a few more miles I enter Nouvelle. On the eastern end of this community, I turn down a small paved road which rolls and bends it's way to a small peninsula. I see a smoke stack off to the right, and surprised to realize that it's the thermal plant in Dalhousie, NB., so I'm obviously near the mouth of the river. At the tip of the peninsula, is a dead end, with an old boat armed with fishing rods at the ready. I get off the bike and walk around a bit, enjoying the small sandy area.
After getting back on the bike and putting the camera away, I'm startled to see part of a large animal standing beside me! As I turn more, I see it's a large German Shepherd dog, only interested in sniffing me. I fire up the bike and slowly get turned around, and as I ride around the driveway of an old house, the dog follows along - until I hit the pavement, and crack the throttle.
Return Leg.....
I decide to stick to the river road more, and soon come to the Miguasha Ferry Terminal wharf. For years a ferry shuttled people and their cars between here and Dalhousie, NB, but has been decommissioned in the last few years and sold. Trains, ferry's....what next?
After leaving the wharf, I turn down Miguasha beach road, and see a bunch of people in the distance, then realize it's a bunch of tourists at the National Park, checking out the fossil tour. I get off for a bit to take a few more pics.
Next I head up the hill, but hang a left to stick to the river road. Here the road rises and falls over the hills, and it's fall, so lots of hay bails in the fields, and another opportunity for a photo.
There's an interesting tourist-looking place on the left, but after going through one gate, I see a "Entrée Privée" sign, so get back out on the road.
After coming to a dead end, I have to back track just a bit to get out to the main road.
Heading west, I ride until I'm back to Point-a-la-Croix, and notice a lookout sign, so I immediately turn into the road to L'Alverne. A road to the left leads up the mountain, but soon turns to dirt. It's kind of rough, then gets worse - major bumps that force me to slow enough that I have to stop. Maybe a mistake to stop, cause it's a chore to start going again playing with the clutch and gas on a steep hill. Finally I get going again, and make sure I stand on the pegs to get over the rough sections. Eventually I get to the top, but don't see any lookout....I only see a walking trail sign - which likely leads to the lookout, but I don't know how far it is, so I decide to skip it and take the loop around the top and head back down. This isn't as bad as going up, but I still have to pay attention. At least I can stop, take a picture, then get going ok.
At the bottom of the mountain, I turn back west, but decide to pass the turn off to N.B. with the intent of finding a road through Listiguj Reserve. I find a road that turns back east and runs parallel with Hwy.#132, then weave my way through the reserve. I've been through this reserve before, but this is a different route, and surprised that they have a full sized church and school. I finally come out by the river again, then head for the bridge back into New Brunswick. Another 20 minutes, and it's the end of my little adventure for the day, and what a great feeling to just point the bike wherever you decide at the moment....hope to have a longer version of this sometime in the future.
At the bottom of the mountain, I turn back west, but decide to pass the turn off to N.B. with the intent of finding a road through Listiguj Reserve. I find a road that turns back east and runs parallel with Hwy.#132, then weave my way through the reserve. I've been through this reserve before, but this is a different route, and surprised that they have a full sized church and school. I finally come out by the river again, then head for the bridge back into New Brunswick. Another 20 minutes, and it's the end of my little adventure for the day, and what a great feeling to just point the bike wherever you decide at the moment....hope to have a longer version of this sometime in the future.