Tuesday, March 15, 2011

New season

Not really a trip, but a new season!
It's March 15th....I leave work an hour early since it's sunny, -1°C, and the roads are relatively dry.
After getting home and suiting up, I add some fresh gas to the tank, turn the key, hit the button, and it's not surprising, I hear the regular vroom on the first try!

Now to get out of the driveway.... it's full of ice/snow, so I do my best impression of Bambi inching along until I get to the hill where I previously widened the snowbanks with the blower a week earlier. There's enough grass showing through so I can get traction while rubbing up against the 3 foot snowbank. After careful maneuvering, I'm at the top and out on the dry road!

It feels great to be out again, and after filling up with gas in Dalhousie, I take a run up to Campbellton on Hwy. 134 where there's the odd icy patch in the shadows, but mostly dry - until I weave through the city and water is everywhere on these roads. After getting to Canadian Tire, it's time to pick up a new bulb for the right high/low beam. I'm colder than I remember at this temperature - probably cause I haven't ridden since November, so take my time in the store to warm up.

Out of the store, and time to get out onto the main Hwy.11 which is nice and dry, so the ride back with the river still frozen in full view, is enjoyable and fast (not in the sense of speed, but time flies when you have fun).

It's great to begin another season - even if it was only an hour today. Hopefully the snow will stay away so I can carry on till the fall.